Sunday, February 28, 2010

the most surprising thing you have seen in a classroom this semester?

What is the most surprising thing you have seen in a classroom this semester? (This could be positive or not so positive.)

I have seen a classroom full of 34 kids who did not know how to do group work. Okay, so out of seven groups of students, only two groups divided up the work, helped each other out, and had everyone in their group working. The teacher just sort of told them, generally, what they were doing wrong.

The most surprising thing I have heard in a classroom (the same one) is a red-headed girl calling Tom Robinson (a black character accused of raping a white girl in To Kill a Mockingbird) the n-word. When I walked by and heard this all of her surrounding friends looked guilty, but she did not.

Boy, do I have my work cut out for me in this class!!

1 comment:

  1. small steps, accomplishments come in moving from Stage 1 to 1.1, to maybe 1.15...

    And wow, great picture!

    Oh, and write these in the comments section on my blog please...
