Monday, February 22, 2010

CP2 Website

Determine the web-presence you will have during your Clinical Practice for this semester.

I was planning on creating a webpage for my CP2 this semester, and in fact, one of my cooperating teachers has one for her class. But she has a hit counter on it and so few people visit that updating the site is no longer a priority.

After administering my Student Surveys I found that roughly 1/4 of my students do not have internet access at home, and a handful do not even have a computer. With this in mind, I will not be doing any online homework--it would not be fair for me to do so.

If I did have a website it would probably look much like my Ethnography page (below).

My latest and greatest online creation was my Vista group's Ethnography.

You can check it out here: Vista Ethnography

I'm pretty dang proud of it. We all collaborated, all added our personal touch, and it turned out to be amazing.

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