Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reading Response 1

When I read this first chapter, I cheered. I am a rebel at heart and I love to hear success stories of others who work against the grain. I also love that BPHS was open about what they did wrong, what they could have done better, and what they are doing to constantly improve their school.
I've been wondering what a school would look like that was run by our Day Cohort people? How awesome would that be?

"What didn't seem like a great measure of reform" was that they were in a pre-existing school. While they worked with what they had available to them, I think they could have amped up their reform by building a new kind of school. So many schools have the same basic layout and seem to restrict the creative mind (reformist architects, anyone?). This idea, of course, goes against my minimalist mindset where I try to save money at every turn--but governments pay for new schools, right?


  1. So, maybe a GREAT project (fun, but truly important for the possible learnings that would emerge) would be to redesign a school setting. What would it have? How many students? What would it look like? What would it feel like? [hmm, i may follow up on this...]

  2. We need to implement an architecture class.
